Cady is back!
It’s been a long wait since last year, but the third book in the Arcadia Bell series is finally out. *throws confetti* I hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Buy-links a-plenty:
Other Tidbits:
In case you missed the early reviews, you can check them out here.
Want to know about how I think up all those demonic knacks? Get some information about my upcoming Roaring Twenties series? Read an interview (+ giveaway) here at Badass Book Reviews.
Want to see photographs that inspired my books? Check out my Arcadia Pinterest here.
Upcoming festivities:
Coming tomorrow: return to my blog to read an interview with the cover model of the Arcadia books (she’s awesome!) and for a chance to win a one-of-a-kind Arcadia art print!
Coming next week: Tynga’s Reviews will feature a guest blog of mine: When I’m Not Writing. You’ll be able to see some of my never-before-seen-online artwork there, along with my Ouija Board collection and a Super Cute Evil Pug photo.
Coming in June: If you live in Toronto and can hold out until June 1st, WORLD’S BIGGEST BOOKSTORE (on Edward Street) is doing a special feature of BINDING + the other Arcadia books in their Sci-Fi/Fantasy section, along with an interview of mine. Check back for a link to the interview.
*Concerning Barnes and Noble: If you live in the states and normally shop for my books in paperback form at Barnes and Noble, you won’t find this title in your local store. That’s because Barnes and Noble and my publisher, Simon and Schuster, are in a months-long, ongoing dispute over promotional money. You can read about it here at the New York Times, or here on fellow Simon and Schuster paranormal author (and all-around cool person) Delilah S. Dawson‘s blog. This dispute hurts hundreds of Simon and Schuster authors who aren’t mega-bestsellers, and, yep, I am one of those. B&N originally committed to buying a quantity of BINDING THE SHADOWS for all their stores, but has not placed that order because my publisher is refusing to meet some undisclosed demands—ones that don’t pertain to me or my books. And how, you might ask, do I feel about this? Pretty pissed off. Frustrated. Thoroughly disappointed. I used to work for Barnes and Noble managing stores, and loved my time with them. I also love Simon and Schuster; they’ve been good to me. As Delilah said in her blog post, it’s sort of like Mom and Dad are fighting, and authors are the kids in the middle who end up getting hurt. But I do hope that if you want the paperback of this title, you’ll consider buying a copy at your local indie bookstore (like Powell’s in Portland, or you can search for one here at Indie Bound), or maybe Books-a-Million, or perhaps ordering a copy from one of the retailers listed above—Book Depository has free shipping, and Amazon has discounted the title (free 2-day shipping if you have Amazon Prime).
May 28, 2013 @ 2:14 PM
Whaaa? Not that I didn’t already buy it on Kindle, but I like to have a paperback copy as well sometimes. How awkward for you. But, good news is, it’s release day! Congratulations! I’m so excited to finally read this.
May 28, 2013 @ 4:06 PM
It’s more than awkward—it’s hurting my livelihood and robbing me of new readers who might’ve seen that book on the shelves and discovered my series for the first time. On the bright side, you can still purchase it on the Nook. (Odd, no?) And indie bookstores deserve extra love, so if this spurs a few readers into their local bookstore, it’s a good thing. BUT, thank you (for everything!), and I hope you enjoy it. *big sloppy hug* 😀
May 29, 2013 @ 1:17 AM
That’s what I thought when I was browsing through B&N’s online store, and it didn’t say there were any in the actual stores 🙁 I’m so sorry Jenn, that sucks donkey balls.
If you’re ever down here in Socal again, I’ll have to take you to Vromans.. it’s the largest independent bookstore that I’ve ever been in. It can rival any B&N in size.. and they have a pretty cool staff with lots of author signings. If it weren’t 45 minutes away, I’d be at that bookstore all the time.
But CONGRATULATIONS on your new book release 🙂 It’s a fabulous book. You pull no punches with the ending, and put Cady through the wringer. (hmm, do you lead a secret life as a dom? Huh? huh?)
May 29, 2013 @ 8:45 AM
Vroman’s in Pasadena! OMG! I totally remember it—my husband was a manager at Tower Records in Pasadena for a couple of years in the late 1990s. At the time, I was managing a B.Dalton down the road in West Covina…which I’d transferred to from the flagship Barnes and Noble in Seattle. Ahem.
But, wait! Here’s the kicker: two chapters of Arcadia #4 take place in Pasadena. CIRCLE OF LIFE, BABY!
May 30, 2013 @ 8:42 PM
OMG!! Jenn, how could you do that to me?????? This is going to be a L-l-l-l-o-n-g twelve months!!!! And this after a long twelve-month wait for Binding the Shadows.
I love the Arcadia Bell series. You’ve created a wonderful world of characters.
But I cannot believe where Shadows ends…just cruel 🙁
May 30, 2013 @ 11:08 PM
Oh, thank you so much! And I know it was a super rough ending—I wept like a small child writing it. And I HATE that you have to wait a year to find out what happens. But I have no control over that: my publisher sets the release dates. If there was any way I could have the date pushed forward so that it could release sooner, believe me, I would. But that being said, I really think it could be worth the wait, so please don’t give up on it. Book #4 answers EVERYTHING—no more cliffhangers!
Plus, the first book in my 1920s paranormal comes out in January (BITTER SPIRITS), so maybe it will tide you over. I’m just as proud of the characters in it as I am in Arcadia Bell, and it’s written in the same sort of voice you’re used to from me, so keep your eyes out for that and give it a shot!